Decorative and Display

LED Full Color Screen

The Full-Color LED Screen can display up to 281.4 trillion colors. It is an absolute solution for displaying VDO image, computer graphic and animation.

  • 8000 NIT Brightness
  • Display VDO image, graphic image and animation
  • 16 Bits colors processing, up to 281.4 trillion colors
  • Dynamic contrast
  • Brightness Calibration
  • 100,000 hours lifetime
  • Design in modular for ease installation and maintenance

Decorative LED Strip Light

The Decorative LED tube
can generate full range of
color up to 16.7 millions colors by a combination of Red, Green and Blue Light Emitting Diodes (LED). The Decorative LED can be used as a decorative light for many types of architecture and landscape such as buildings, bridges or spectacular locations

Eco Friendly Products

Energy Saving Products